class Celestial::Vessel


A Vessel is the base unit of the Paradise world. Vessels have names, optional attributes, parents, owners, and triggers.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def, parent, attr = "", note = "", owner = -1, triggers = {} of String => String) #

Create a new vessel.

NOTE #parent and #owner can be any object with #to_i32 - they will be converted to Int32 when passed.

[View source]
def : JSON::PullParser) #

Instance Method Detail

def attr : String #

def attr=(_attr : String) #

def name : String #

def name=(_name : String) #

def note : String #

def note=(_note : String) #

def owner : Int32 #

def owner=(owner : Int64) #

[View source]
def owner=(_owner : Int32) #

def parent : Int32 #

def parent=(parent : Int64) #

[View source]
def parent=(_parent : Int32) #

def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) #

def triggers : Hash(String, String) #

def triggers=(_triggers : Hash(String, String)) #