class Celestial::World


Defines the world. A world contains many Vessel objects, and has a #timestamp (in UTC) when it was last touched.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

def = [] of Vessel, timestamp = Time.utc_now) #

Create a new world.

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Instance Method Detail

def [](id) #

Obtain the vessel with the given ID.

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def []?(id) #

Obtain the vessel with the given ID, or nil.

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def delete(id) #

Remove a vessel from the world, shifting down all indexes after it and removing references to it.

FIXME Make a vessel's children spill into its parent when the vessel is deleted

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def http_delete(id, env) #

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def http_get(id, env) #

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def http_patch(id, env) #

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def http_post(env) #

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def index(env) #

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def on_change(&on_change : Hash(Symbol, Int32) -> ) #

Set the callback for any change to the world.


world.on_change do |message|
  puts message

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def timestamp : Time #

def timestamp=(_timestamp : Time) #

def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) #

def touch #

Set the timestamp to the current UTC time.

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def vessels : Array(Vessel) #

def vessels=(_vessels : Array(Vessel)) #